Larry’s Trust & the BBC

Larry is the beneficiary of an Adult Supplemental Needs Trust, which is sponsored by the Bedford-Barrow-Commerce (BBC) Block Association through the UJA-Federation Community Trust for Disabled Adults. The BBC’s sponsorship of Larry marked the first time a group outside of a beneficiary’s family established an Adult Supplemental Needs Trust. The reason why this group helped Larry was quite simple: he was part of their neighborhood family.

The trust is still accepting donations to cover Larry’s funeral expenses.

Click HERE to make a tax deductible donation via PayPal to Larry’s Supplemental Needs Trust Fund. 

You can find out more about Supplemental Needs or Special Needs Trust on The Arc’s national website:

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation by check to Larry’s Trust, send a check written out to The BBC.  Please address the check to:

Care of Alice Elliott
107 Bedford Street, upper one
New York, NY 10014